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Our workshops are designed for Junior and High Schools based on the school's curriculum. The workshops can either be attended in schools or during events. They are based on three main topics, each of them being very important for marine conservation: Marine Mammals, Marine Litter and Biodiversity. Participants and schools can choose the topic they are more interested in, knowing that the activities will be adapted to different age groups. For more information, do not hesitate to contact us.




How CuriOcean was born

How CuriOcean was born

Luana Jungmann is a Marine Conservationist and Environmental Educator, who travelled the world to discover different cultures and dealt with a variety of marine conservation topics. Her marine biology and teaching background inspired the creation of a concept that would meet the increasing demand to pass on information collected by scientists to the public in a pedagogical and fun way.

CuriOcean's workshops are based on Luana's past and current experience and research and they have already begun to make a difference.

Join us in this adventure!

"In the end, we will conserve only what we love, We will love only what we understand and we will understand only what we are taught."

Baba Dioum


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